I'm going to level with you.... whatever gets me closer to eating this sandwich.... that's what I want to do.
Hey Mom! So it's three weeks into the semester and we are about to head into the 1st worst week (rhyming adjectives bonus x 1000) . Midterms are coming, papers are about to be due and we are starting to forget about all the hopes and dreams we had at Christmas. Part of this is because we are all in school, working, making futurey-adult decisions and applying for summer jobs (except me I have a job... I think). But the main reason is that our profs keep asking us, stupid, stupid questions thus slowly driving us insane. It's been awhile since I've done a top ten list (I'm still bitter that BuzzFeed took off while my private shaw webspace blog went unnoticed), but I'm back and ready to participate in the generation of numbered lists. Top Ten Inappropriate Questions to Pose to a University Student What are your plans for the future? Well I've forgotten what human food tastes like and I haven't slept in two days but somebody keeps giving us assign...