Flipped Classrooms are for the Academically Fashionable

Hey Mom!

So I am sitting in a room full of brightly coloured plastic chairs on wheels and I think that I may have truly lost my mind.
Look at this chaos:

A few key features of what I am calling "The Crayola Disaster Unit":
  • slide out cup holder ooooooh
  • Wheels that do not lock in place aaaaaah
  • Weird penguin armrest things uuuuuuh?
For those of you who are not aware, I was (am) that person who needed (needs) to sit in the same seat every class (also I should clarify that by needs I don't mean in a medical condition kind of way -- i.e. OCD-- I mean that I'm a very tightly wound individual and I find solace in assigned seating arrangements).  Anyway, now I can't even sit in the same seat every time because the seats are not fixed, so I have to settle for getting a red Crayola Disaster Unit every time but guess what? That sounds really infantile!  So now I have to pretend like I don't care what colour chair I get (even though I fluffing do!) AND I don't even pay attention in class because I'm too worried that my arm is going to slip off the tiny penguin armrests, I'll smash my face on the desk and then knock myself out and pee.  There is no greater sign of weakness than urination in front of your peers.

Crayola Disaster Units aside, a few of my classes are using new methods of lecturing (the term "flipped classroom" is being thrown around more than the word "quinoa" at a hot yoga studio) I feel like some profs don't actually want to do it but it's academically fashionable so we just sort of sit there under the guise of innovation and higher learning. But hey, at least we play jeopardy more often!

That is all.


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