FYI Did not die (Rhyming Title points)

Hey Mom!

So once again I did not die on the first day of school!  What I am consistently surprised by, is how often smart people can be so stupid.  One of profs spent a bunch of time (squiggly equal sign 20 minutes) talking about how much research he has done in learning styles, how he is using a revolutionary lecture structure AND how he puts everything on the internet because knowledge should be free. And immediately-directly-within-the-same-breath (redundancy points x 1000) he tells us we need to purchase (with our actual money) a textbook that he wrote!

 Does nobody see the problem here?!? Am I losing my mind? Is he trolling us? I think he is trolling us.  He has to be trolling us.  Right? Please, please tell me that this is some sort of sick joke. Please (just imagine like a sugar glider or a puppy with eyes welling with tears) tell me there is some reason left in these cavernous halls.

Just as an aside.... sometimes I wish I was born in the victorian era so I could throw in gorgeous language that currently makes people think I'm pretentious or home-schooled but then I remember that I like having human rights and stuff.

That is all.


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