Confessions of an Asthmatic

Hey Mom!

So recently I almost ended up in the emergency room due to an asthma attack. In the past, I've been accused of being reckless when it comes to how I choose to handle my respiratory system. To address such accusations, I would like to offer the following commentary:

Yes, in my youth, I did incredibly stupid things, some of which resulted in completely preventable trips to the emergency room. But I learned from those experiences which is really the whole point of adolescence.

Yes, I do like to sit on the couch and see how long I can hold off taking my inhaler. Is this inherently risky and have I accidentally trained my body to shut out the sound of my own wheezes? Yes. Is this game of chicken necessary? No, but I think if you never push the limits of your body you'll never know what it's capable of.

Yes, there was an incident on Thursday which resulted in my coworkers and roommates getting a little bit of a scare. Am I apologetic? Yes. Is it completely inconceivable to think that perhaps it was a good exercise in crisis management? No.

Yes, I went for a run the morning of the aforementioned incident but it wasn't that bad.

Yes, it was smokey outside but it's been smokey outside for a week now). Should I have checked the air quality? I'd like to answer that question with another question: do you check the air quality every time it looks a teensy bit hazy out? DO YOU?! Now, I know what you're thinking Mack, that's like someone with a severe food allergy refusing to read the back of the box before they eat something. To that I would say, I don't have time for your logic, Chartreuse! 

Yes, I am a bold and undaunted risk-taker who lives dangerously. Some have said I'm the Jenny McCarthy of my generation.... because I'm completely in the wrong here and I'm not sure how to stop digging this particular hole.

This meal is brought to you by 6 doses of Ventolin and sheer desperation

That is all.


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