Talkin' at the Walk-in

Hey Mom!

So last week it might not surprise you to learn I ended up in a waiting room at a walk-in clinic. This is my story:

It's going to be at least an hour wait.  I already regret the decision to come here.

Suddenly from across the room, a two-year repeatedly points at me and yells "MOM, THAT'S MY GIRL, I LOVE HER!" Which causes everyone to turn and stare at me, probably because they assumed I know her and wanted to see a real life kodak moment.  But I don't, so I focus really hard on my kneecap and start to weigh the pros and cons of getting up and leaving because my face is now on fire. Then I hear the loud, speedy footsteps of a toddler going on an adventure before their parents can stop her.

"Hello," Now I'm setting an example for the youths so I have to look up from my kneecap.
"My name is Quinn, what's your name?" She is absolutely adorable, like if Nemo was in tiny human form. A pure soul.
"My name is Mackenzie, it's nice to meet you Quinn." Quinn immediately runs back to her parents... I start to think about the fact that I am so boring that she literally sprinted away from me. 

15 seconds later...

Quinn returns and is staring at me with the biggest smile on her face. Just staring. Unblinking, unwavering staring. Now small talk is not my specialty even when I'm not trying to conserve oxygen so we sit there in complete silence for at least a solid minute while I try to think of relevant discussion topics for toddlers. Eventually, she comes to understand that I will not being carrying the conversation so she leans onto the closest chair and says "Sooooooooo how's your day going today?" 

5 minutes later...

Quinn is halfway through a surprisingly elaborate haircut story when her Dad comes over and asks her if she wants to go get a snack. I'm pretty sure this is a highly tactical and specialized parenting move known as a "distraction".

When she returns there is a girl close to her age in the waiting room who apparently needs befriending.

An amount of time later...


At this point, her Mom puts her head in her hands and when her husband asks what is wrong she replies (and this is my favourite part) "She is asking the other girl if she wants to go bother the girl she was bothering before."

*** Sub-post incoming***

Hey Quinn's Mom! 
If you're reading this (which would be very weird and I kind of hope you aren't), I just want to say that, while she is still learning to use her inside voice, your daughter is an excellent conversationalist. I appreciate the fact that you really took the time to unpack and explain why pointing is rude, yes even with your whole hand, yes even with your elbow, yes even with two hands. This probably wasn't how you planned on spending your Thursday evening either. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that we're cool, Quinn's Mom. 
I also wanted to let you know that I don't have the plague or anything so if you were concerned, I did not contribute to the germ cesspool that is a walk-in clinic waiting room. I would be concerned but, I am a product of my upbringing and also not a parent so I have no idea how to do what you are doing. 
That is all.

So was this a bridging of the generations and a moment of human connection in an otherwise disconnected world?


That is all. 


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