Big Brother is watching the flip out of you!

Hey Mom!

As you may know I am terrified of new things. Update my software? No thanks.  New shoes? Nope these only have four holes.  Try a new restaurant?  Get me some tums and a brown paper bag.  Most of the new things that freak me out crawl from the depths of the internet.  I am constantly bombarded with new updates, installations, cookies (not the delicious kind), new browsers and I don't know what half of it means.  What I do know is with every click I walk the razors edge, on one side I can play tetris online and over the brink lies computer terror waiting to swallow my identity as my laptop teems with viruses like the binary black plague.... or you know I might get a pop-up telling me I've won a million dollars.

So anyway, on weekdays I watch this talk show called +Good Mythical Morning which if you haven't seen it you should go watch it in fact I will include a link to the Ghost Pepper Challenge they did which is by far my favourite episode.  But recently I noticed a disturbing trend with the advertisements on youtube.  They've all gone from English to French... coincidentally I've been watching a ton of French films on Netflix.  WHAT? Up until this point I figured that nobody would pay that close attention to my internet habits for the following reasons:

1. I'm broke, you should probably advertise to people will money, silly Youtube.
2. I don't do anything worth watching, unless you count covering your eyes during the scary parts of children's shows because they are too intense for me.
3. Don't important people use the internet too?
4.Ya Mama should have taught you better than to spy on people.

I've also been watching a lot of deep sea documentaries and I've noticed none of the advertisements have been translated into orca.... that's a little insensitive don't you think?

That is all.

ps Speaking of YouTube, I have started putting videos out on my channel once a week so if you check tomorrow night there should be a video up, to go to my channel you can click here


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