I'd rather the vulnerability of the genuine than the armour of the artificially aloof

Hey Mom!

So I've been trying to write about something else all week but this topic is not content to simply tumble around in my brain and has expressed this discontent in the form of writer's block.  So after facebooking and tweeting about it,  I have officially given in and will write a full length blog post.  In a previous post I talked about the callousness of my generation and how we have the tendency to glaze over really horrific events in the world without feeling anything.  The more I think about it, the more I realize that is not isolated to historical events or things happening on the other side of the globe.  This aloofness is entrenched in everything we do.  Passionate people are obsessive.  Friendly people are overbearing.  Sad people are emotionally unstable.  We distance ourselves from any full expression of emotion outside the context of the Olympics.  We have traded authenticity and compassion for facades and sarcasm.

  Does anyone know how dangerous this is? 

I am not saying that we should all wear our hearts on our sleeves and carry around buckets of tears.  I am saying we should strive be the most genuine version of ourselves.  I keep saying "we" because I am guilty.  I am guilty of distancing myself from issues and feelings that make me uncomfortable.  I am guilty of watching uncaringly for no other reason than caring is inconvenient.  I am guilty of using sarcasm instead of love.  Because it is easier this way, we feel less joy and excitement but we also alleviate the burden of fear and sadness.

At what cost?

At all costs. We are priming ourselves to mindlessly follow which ever way we are led.  When we lose the will to care, we lose the will to act.  Take a good look at history, what are we doomed to repeat?

What's the point?

The point is we need to change something, the road we currently tread is leading us to the slaughter.  Let's make a stand against a society that would have us mute our compassion for the sake of blind unity.  Let's care even when it hurts.  Let's remind each other that convenience is compromising. Let's be genuine even if it means we stand apart.

It all comes down to something we toss around without ever fully accepting:

Be Yourself

That is all.


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