Running: Then and Now

Hey Mom!

I'm posting this a little later than usual because I was waiting to see if the banana bread I made would cause projectile vomit and emotional trauma.  Since that didn't happen I had to pick something equally unpleasant: running.

So as I'm sure you are sick of hearing I PLAYED A SPORT THAT ONE TIME... great now that we've got that out of the way.  Recently, I've been running again because I was operating under the assumption that I love running.  Turns out, I loved running.  You want to know why? Because I didn't need to run. Nowadays running is an integral part of my fitness routine.  So in honour of this epiphany I have decided to present you with the following juxtapositions:

Running: Then and Now

Then:I'm bored I think I'll go for a run.
Now:It's cardio day? Again? Well I think I love running. I just need 45 minutes to emotional prepare myself.

Then: Well I guess I better fuel up... I'll just eat 4 tacos on my way out the door.
Now: DEAR MERCIFUL HEAVENS WHY did I eat fish and hot chocolate for dinner?!?

Then: I am swift and strong and free.
Now: Please don't throw up, please don't throw up, please don't throw up.

Then: Whoops I totally forgot to stretch... oh well
Now: My hamstrings are about to snap. It feels like someone has wedged a tennis ball in between two of the vertebrae in my back. AND I don't know whether I have shin splints or not because I haven't had feeling in my shins in 3 years.

Then: I know this is a super steep hill but it feels like I'm running on clouds.
Now: If I sprint up this hill, that counts as an entire run and then I can walk home.

Then: Behold! I now stand on the top of the world.
Now: The fish has made a resurgence, the hot chocolate has made a resurgence and I am going to die.  I am currently engaged in a battle of wills as my organs are trying to send all my bodily fluids cascading down the hill I just crawled up. At some point my brain wins out because from my slight elevation I can see that pokemon hunters and children use this path.  POKEMON HUNTERS AND CHILDREN.

Hopefully, this historical commentary has been both helpful and informative.

If I'm honest I still love running, I just wish I couldn't feel my body while I'm doing it.

That is all.


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